Tuesday 29 July 2014

Reporting in media

‘Reporting is the key to good journalism’
By reporting, we mean collection or gathering of facts about current events or background material required for a news story or feature.
Reporters do it through interviews, investigations and observation. Reporters
are  given directions by editors  to cover a particular event, known as
assignments. They may be general assignments or special ones. Reporters
write the news stories, which are called copies.

During the internship I covered following types of report:
1. Court Reporting:
2. Reporting of accidents
3. Fashion Reporting
4. Reporting of Showbiz
5. Industrial Reporting
6. Political reporting
7. Reporting on procession, Meetings & speeches
8. Crime Reporting
9.  Interviews
10. Reporting on Civic affair
11. Religious Reporting
12. Sports Reporting
13. Investigative Reporting
14. Development Reporting
15. Social and Cultural Reporting
16. Current Affair Reporting

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