Friday 22 August 2014

Seismic Interpretation


      Seismic Interpretation
           Seismic interpretation is the technique for interpreting stratigraphic and geological structural information from seismic data. Conventional seismic interpretation implies picking and tracking laterally consistent seismic reflectors for the purpose of mapping geologic structures, stratigraphy and reservoir architecture. The ultimate goal is to detect hydrocarbon accumulations, delineate their extent, and calculate their volumes. Conventional seismic interpretation is an art that requires skill and thorough experience in geology and geophysics. The main approaches for the interpretation of the seismic section are:
·         Structural Analysis
·         Stratigraphic Analysis

 Structural Analysis

It is the study of reflector geometry on the basis of reflection time. The main application of the structural analysis of seismic section is in the search for structural traps containing hydrocarbons. Most structural interpretation uses two-way reflection times rather depth.

Stratigraphic Analysis

Stratigraphic analysis involves the subdivision of seismic sections into a sequence of reflections that are interpreted as a seismic expression of genetically related sedimentary sequences.  

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