Friday 22 August 2014

Editing in Newspaper

A person who edits is called an editor. By editing, we mean preparing news
Report for publication, telecast or broadcast. Editing is a process by which a
Report is read, corrected, modified, value-added, polished, improved and
make better for publication. Condensation is also part of editing.

Every newspaper will have a set of editors, like reporters. All editors are not
of the same category.  Their position and role differ according to the work
they do.

The editor is a person who edits. An editor supervises the reporters and
improves his reports for publication. An editor also plans about what to report,
how to cover and the relative importance to be given to each story.

In a newspaper, the top post is that of  a Chief Editor. The Chief Editor or
Editor heads all departments in a newspaper and is in charge of the overall
supervision. Next to this post, there are managing editors. For assisting him,
there are assistant managing editors or deputy managing editors.

Then there are news editors. They are directly in charge of the news desks.
The desk is the place where  reports are edited and sent for printing. Under
the news editors are chief sub editors or desk chiefs. Once the news editor
selects the  reports to be published, the desk chief gives that to sub editors
under him to polish, correct, edit, put a headline, select the type phase and
add pictures or graphs if required. This is the main process of editing.

Modern newspapers have editors for every section. The sports editor looks
after sports news. The feature editor looks after the features section. Picture
editors are in charge of photographers. Like that business editors look after business news. Then there are city editors who are in charge of the local area.
In big cities they are called metro editors

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