Friday 22 August 2014

General Data about Earth

Earth Data
Surface Area : 510,100,500 Sq.Kms.
Land Surface : 148,950,800 Sq.Kms. (29.08%)
Water Surface : 361,149,700 Sq.Kms. (70.92%)
Equatorial circumference : 40,075 Kms.
Polar circumference : 40,008 Kms
Equatorial radius : 6,377 Kms.
Equatorial Diameter : 1,22,756 Kms.
Polar radius : 6,357 Kms.
Polar Diameter : 12,714 Kms.
Mean distance from the Sun : 14,95,97,900 Kms.
Period of revolution : 365 days 5 hours 48 mts. 45.51 Sec.
Period of rotation : 23 hrs. 56 mts. 4.091 Sec.
Escape Velocity from the earth : 11 Km per Sec. (minimum)

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